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July 19, 2001 | |
Well, the redesign hasn't happened yet. We have moved again. This time into our OWN house. It's Great
I have also gone racing with marmot twice this year with more to come. Check out the pictures and results at the VMSC Site. | |
March 31, 2000 | |
Anita and I are planning a redesign of this site. We are going to make it ours instead of just mine. I am not sure how long this will take but eventually... | |
Aug 12, 1999 | |
Take a look at the great kids that I am now living with. Sorry for the image size but the scanner is new and I haven't quite got it figured yet.
This is Monique | |
June 23, 1999 | |
I have moved again. Check out my contact page for my new address. Anita and I have a new place. Aside from sharing a place with Anita, the coolest feature of the townhouse is that it has an ethernet port directly into Uvic's network! Talk about speed. Monique and Marie-Elise will be here in about a week. I am really looking forward to getting to know them better. Granted I am a little nervous, but under the circumstances, I think that is understandable. I really don't have too many worries about it. I know that whatever comes up we can talk about and work out. I have great trust and respect for Anita and her ability and willingness to communicate and negotiate. Yes, she is standing right behind me now, but that has nothing to do with what I am writing. :-) Also, Anita finds out how the Calgary Match went on the 28th of this month. If it goes as we are both hoping it does, we will likely be moving to Calgary sometime next May or June. | |
May 13, 1999 | |
Well the Calgary trip was fun but boy is Victoria beautiful in comparison. Even the weeds in the ditches are gorgeous. I am going to be moving again. Anita and I have found a great place near the University. It is actually university housing so one of the perks is that they have ethernet to each of the units. Woo hoo. In any event We have the place for June 1 but I won't be moving until about mid-month. Take a little time to pack everything up and move it. My phone number will be changing as will my address. (duhh Scott) | |
April 23, 1999 | |
I am going to be in Calgary and Edmonton next week. I am heading off next Tuesday with Anita to visit some of her friends and some of my friends. I will still have access to my e-mail. (Thanks to my pilot) So I won't completely be out of geekland. | |
April 7, 1999 | |
As you may have noticed from my main page, I am getting married. Anita is an amazing woman. She just awes me. Brilliant, honest (to a fault), beautiful, caring, compassionate, fierce. The date is set as February 26th, 2000. This means that the hype around the world coming to an end because of the Y2K bug are completely false. I have other plans. Anita has two little girls that I think are very cool. Another piece of news is that I have now moved my web page from Geocities to my home machine. I am trying out a new service from TZO that maps a domain name to a dynamic IP address. So, for the time being, my domain is: jurgen .tzo.com |
March 8, 1999 | |
Been a long time, as you have already noticed. Moved the pages to my home machine. I have had a cable modem since last July and have really enjoyed it. Finally figured it would be cool to try and serve my pages off of it. Let's see what happens. Shaw cable is still working out issues with IP addresses and DNS names so it may be a while before this really gets going. If I get the gumption I will do a full redesign, otherwise things will appear here very piecemeal. Cheers | |
March 11, 1997 | |
YIKES, has it really been that long since I have done anything to this site? Man oh man. I have got to put a little more effort into this site. I have updated my e-mail address on all my pages and made some other minor improvements. Mainly just tweaking HTML. I know, I know, why put my effort into that. Well, I guess it it just that I am a programmer and I have a need to have pretty code. Go figure. I am thinking about modifying this site a little to include a News section. Sort of a regular update on the things that are going on in my life. Not that everybody is going to be interested in that but I just checked my counter and I only have about 350 hits on my site, so what the hey. Talk at ya later |
August 21/96 | |
I have updated my rates page to actually include my rates. I have added the take off demo, that I prepared, to my services/projects page as well as put up a whole seperate page so people could read a little bit about take off and download the demo. Other pages have been updated in a general freshening of the site | |
June 23/96 | |
The green should now be gone. As well, all the links should be working. If you find a link that doesn't work you will be sure to tell me won't you? There is more to come in about a week. So stay tuned. | |
June 21/96 | |
As you can see, there has been a start at a large restructuring around here. I am attempting to make things look a little better and GET RID OF THAT GREEN BACKGROUND! I don't know what possessed me to use that lousy colour but it should hopefully be much improved now. My apologies for any eye damage that occured. I know there are a couple of pages missing and others still have that background but stick with me and check back soon. That should all change. |